'If I was an employee, I'd be fired.'
- Trustee Wayne Dockett
Two minutes and forty seconds into this meeting, Trustee Dockett walked out. Because Trustees Otto and Chick were absent, this left only four Trustees, less than the 5 member supermajority required to convene a closed session. Why Dockett walked out on a meeting he himself requested is the question. Adding 2 and 2, the presence of the Township Labor attorney and the Public Safety Director, one could be forgiven for speculating that Dockett requested this meeting to discuss the status of Northfield Township Police Lt. Green, who has been on paid Administrative Leave for many months.
Watch the thrills and spills with our 5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees special meeting LiveAgenda
Dockett: "I wanna know how many people we need for this meeting.”
Chockley: “We need five to close the session
Dockett: “Yes
Dockett: “Well I think I'm gonna leave
Chockley: “Well, uh
Chockley: “And our attorney has come to speak to us about an important topic, we'll have to adjourn to the next meeting then, Mr Dockett. Mr Dockett?
Zelenock: "Isn't this the one he wants to talk about?
Chockley: “I thought this was the one you wanted to hear something about, Mr. Dockett
Dockett: “I'm wanting to get a paycheck too and I don't have one. So
Manley: “Well, we can address... Our labor attorney's here; we can address her about that...
Dockett: “Oh, I'll be here.”
Or, you can watch it from the beginning on VideoNorthfield
We have broken out each item in the meeting packets. They are separated into individual documents and and converted into searchable text. The financial reports show how quickly money is flying out the door and give evidence of the Township's actual indebtedness. Ex Township Manager Fink's legacy of unplanned-for debt, financial incompetence, and deferred maintenance compounded the crippling foolishness of our Township's past petty dictatorships. There's a fresh bundle of Bad News in each monthly board packet.
Meeting Documents:
- 5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 630 PM closed session meeting Agenda, revised
- 5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees 700 PM regular session meeting Agenda, revised
- Northfield Township Supervisors Report, 2017-05-08
- 2017-04-11-Northfield-Township-Board-meeting-minutes
- 2017-04-25-Northfield-Township-Board-regular-meeting-minutes
- 2017-04-25-Northfield-Township-Board-special-meeting-minutes
- Water Resources Commission: Commissioner Evan Pratt's letter about the 6 Mile Road Culvert repair. This letter includes the 2 sample cost sharing agreements, 2017-05-04
- Water Resources Commission: sample 6 Mile Road Culvert Cost Sharing Agreements, 2017-05-04
- Water Resources Commission: Catholic Church Horseshoe Lake Drain Rolls, 2017-05-04.pdf
- Washtenaw-County-Road-Commission-Agreement-Northfield-Township-2017
- McKenna-North-Village-Developer-Solicitation-Process-Proposal-2017-04-20
- Northfield-Township-Investment-Policy-Update-to-Include-Michigan-Class-2017-05-04
- 2017-05-09-Northfield-Township-Treasurer-Financial-Report
- 2017-05-04-Northfield-Township-Checks-and-Disbursements-Reports
- Tim-Saville-Independent-Contractor-Agreement
- 2017-05-09-Northfield-Township-Police-Department-Report
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Report, 2017-05-09
- 2017-05-09-Northfield-Township-Community-Center-Report
- July-4th-Fireworks-Permit-2017-04-17
- Township Property Maintenance Complaint, Shady Beach, Stanny, 2017-05-01.pdf
- NTFD-Memo-Re-Computer-Disposal-2017-05-09
- NTFD-Memo-Re-Hiring-Paid-On-Call-Firefighter-2017-05-09
- Fire Department Memo re Curtis House Cleanup, 5-8-2017
- Resolution Submitting Fire Service and Medical Rescue Millage Proposal, 2017-05-09
- 5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting Packet (12.3MB unsearchable Township version)
- 5-9-2017 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting Packet Addendum (1.6MB unsearchable Township version)