Editorial by Jim Nelson:
2014's bad idea failed to gain traction thanks to objections by Infante, Steffans, and Zarzecki. Chairperson Larry Roman argued that public notice was sufficient. Others countered, noting that there no longer exists an audited general circulation newspaper read by everyone. (And thumbtacking a notice to the bulletin board in front of the Township Hall just doesn't cut it! ) Amy Steffans also countered Roman's assertion that the conditional uses were somehow already the property owner's right. Those rights are not his until after the conditional use has been granted. The original Motion failed on a 4:2 vote, which also included Chick voting no.
Despite this moment of Planning Commissioner lucidity, the iron fist of prescriptive and restrictive government regulation has fallen on the Little Libraries of Northfield Township. Regulation was initially opposed by Iaquinto, who compared the proposed Little Library regulation and approvals process to the Township regulations and onerous approval process which he claimed are preventing developers from developing. He cited no supporting examples, but his opposition to Little Library regulations folded like a cheap suit when confronted with and affronted by the dreaded spectre of people doing something unusual or creative with their Little Libraries.
Elements D (Design must match the house) and H (requiring an official land use permit) were struck from the proposed ordinance change. The revised measure was voted upon and the measure passed by unanimous vote. Still required was that the Little Library be mounted on a post in the ground. Ironically, this post facto post is the only element distinguishing a Little Library from a piece of lawn furniture, like the freestanding and incredibly cute Green Oak Township Little Library illustrated below. In other words there was no problem before the Planner created the problem and charged the taxpayers for "solving" it.
Freestanding Little Library in Southern Green Oak Township, East Shore Drive
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Meeting Preview:
On Wednesday (6/7/2017) the Planning Commission is holding a Public Hearing on a proposal to change to our zoning ordinance:
If someone wants a "conditional use permit", they would no longer have to post signs alerting their neighbors.
The meeting is 7pm at Township Hall, 8350 Main St., Whitmore Lake.
Conditional uses can drastically alter what is permitted on a piece of property, and we believe that signage notification is important.
This idea was first advanced during the height of Manager Fink's power and influence, in 2014.
Meeting Documents:
Larry Roman, Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Janet Chick, Vice Chair/Twp. Board Rep This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John Zarzecki, Secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brad Cousino, Member This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sam Iaquinto, Member/Parks & Rec. Rep. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Amy Steffens, Member/ZBA Rep. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cecilia Infante, Member This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.