Take a long look at the changes to our new sign ordinance. What are we paying McKenna for? Font changes. Making the text pretty.
But that's not fair is it? We're also paying for making almost all of Northfield Township's current signs illegal because they're not fireproof. They can't withstand 1200° F heat. But, hey! Whoops! At the last PC meeting, Commissioners objected.
Planning Commissioner Amy Steffens, 9-20-2017 @46 minutes, 19 seconds into the meeting.
So now, we've also paid McKenna to remove this pointless and invasive ordinance cut-n-paste pastiche. They bill over $90/hour for both sides of that brilliance and we pay for every minute of it.
That particular provision also made all the recently regulated Little Libraries illegal. Books burn at Fahrentheit 451.
Read the ordinance. Enjoy the formatting and font revisions. You paid for them.
Watch the meeting with the 10-18-2017 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting LiveAgenda [Close Captioned!]
Meeting Documents, extracted from the packet:
- Sign Ordinance draft, McKenna, dated 2017-08-01, delivered 2017-10-18
- Mckenna: Zoning Amendments and Project Approval Procedures, 2017-10-11
- McKenna: Zoning Administrator Quarterly Report July-September, 2017-10-10
- McKenna: Site Plan Review 3: Bobber Down report, 2017-10-06
- 2017-09-20 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting minutes, draft
- 2017-10-18 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Packet