Report by David Gordon
Planning Commission Chair Larry Roman, planner Paul Lippens and the rest of the Commissioners worked through possible language changes for the Temporary Holiday Sales Ordinance at last night’s meeting.
This type of “nuts & bolts” work of the Planning Commission doesn’t make for very lively meetings but with enough patience and focus, Roman hopes to craft language that protects the township without causing burdens on people wanting to set up temporary sales of Christmas trees, pumpkins, fireworks or other holiday-related items.
Lippens was directed to come back (a third and final time) with language sufficiently refined that the Commission can recommend it to the Board of Trustees.
Lippens mentioned that the township website soon should have new information about the proposed North Village Plan available….such as answers to residents’ questions.
May 16 is the deadline for developers to deliver plans for the proposed waterfront park. To date, nothing has been submitted from the private sector for the $50M+ “vision” being promoted by the Downtown Planning Group.
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- 4-4-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Agenda
- 4-4-2018 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Packet