In this unusually boisterous session, plans to improve and update the 1839 one room Sutton Schoolhouse on Joy Road at Pontiac Trail were permitted to move forward.
Progress! 10/27/2018
Southeast view, The cleanup has begun, 6-12-2018
Southwest view showing the classic stone foundation. 6-12-2018
The ZBA Chairperson neglected to turn on the wireless Public microphone. I replaced the almost inaudible result with the sound picked up by boardmember microphones. The result is much more intelligible, although the level of background hiss jumps around a bit.
5-21-2018 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals meeting LiveAgenda - HD and CC
Here's the video: You'll notice that LiveAgenda type links - to all items on the Agenda - are in the description under the Youtube video window.
Meeting documents
Sutton Schoolhouse, Zoning Administrator Report, 4-23-2018, McKenna.pdf
Sutton Schoolhouse, Washtenaw County Sewage Permit, 1-12-2018.pdf
Sutton Schoolhouse, Architects Elevations and Renderings.pdf
Zoning Administrator Quarterly Report, Q1-2018
5-21-2018 Northfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals Packet
Public Notice Sutton Schoolhouse - 05-21-2018