In a nutshell:
The meeting video is Time - Stamped. The timestamps are written in the description below the video. If you're watching on Youtube proper, you can see and click to the timestamps by clicking directly on the timeline segments. Spend some time scrubbing (moving the playhead) left and right in the timeline to see what I'm describing.
Below is a partial index. The times are relative to the start of the VideoNorthfield video. They aren't LiveAgenda links yet, not here, but they are clickable Timestamps on Youtube. As I mentioned, these timestamps are located in the VideoNorthfield/Youtube video description, located beneath the video window.
The video below is
0:00 Start
4. Marijuana Applicant Conditional Use Permit Applications – 10 Minute presentations
2:12:26 a. GS Ashley
2:26:30 b. Treehouse Wellness
2:39:30 c. Pure Bud / Pure Market (formerly Whitmore Wellness)
2:50:55 d. Northern Trellis
3:03:11 e. Nature's Cure / Michigan Pure Green
3:13:30 f. Pure Roots
3:22:30 5. Discussion and Decision on Approving Licensees
3:22:40 Chair asks for background and direction from Attorney and Planner
3:23:15: Attorney Fink
3:24:40 Lippens
3:25:55 Chockley: "I have a preference." "I have a personal preference."
3:27:20 Beliger: Another suitable use means what?
3:29:14 Attorney
3:31:15 Chockley: Motion to table (conditional use for) GS Ashley
3:33:29 Beliger: How do I say I don't want any of these businesses in the community?
Atty: "I don't know how to answer that question."
3:34:30 Chockley: Motion to approve Treehouse Wellness
3:35:40 Chockley: Well, they all made it
3:36:56 Chick I'd be more comfortable if we went with the conditional use criteria
3:37:20 Chockley: "Well then I won't say what I really liked about it"
3:39:22 Motion approved 5:1, Beliger voted no
3:40:44 Motion to approve PureBud/Pure Market, 8075 Main Street
Motion approved 5 Yes Beliger:No Zelenock:Abstain
Dockett wandered through, wants to vote
3:46:40 Motion reread for a re-poll to allow Dockett's vote. 5 yes Beliger:No Zelenock:Abstain
3:48:05 Motion to table Northern Trellis by Chockley. No second. Chockley withdraws the motion.
3:48:48 Chick: Motion to approve Northern Trellis
Motion passes 5:2 Beliger no, Manley no
3:50:45 Chockley: Motion to table both remaining applicants shot down by attorney
3:51:58 Chockley: Motion to table Nature's Cure/Michigan Pure Green
Motion passes 5:2, Dockett No, Zelenock No
3:54:00 Chockley: Motion to table Pure Roots
Motion passes 7:0
3:55:35 Beliger spews crude innuendo, accusing other boardmembers of being bribed
3:56:25 Otto "inference"
3:57:19 Chick "inference"
3:57:50 Zelenock
3:58:15 Manley
3:58:28 Chockley