The PC meeting has been LiveTimelined.  -which means that the video's timeline manifests as labled segments in the YouTube video timeline.

Each segment delineates a speaker, an agenda item, a snippet.

If you click through to YouTube proper by clicking the "YouTube" (bottom right in the video window) you can also view and

select from the timestamps in the video description. Clicking a timestamp catapalts you to that instant in time in the video.

 If you're viewing from YouTube, you can also add timestamped notes in the comments below the video window.

Did something someone said seem important?  Did I forget an Agenda item? Note it with a time.

The extensive Commissioner discussions have not been fully annotated.  Feel free to contribute comments with timestamps under the youtube video.



4/5/2021    Proposed housing, commercial development in rural township north of Ann Arbor ignites debate, by Samuel J Robinson, MLive

A petition launched this week titled, “Support greenspace in Northfield Township,” currently has about 200 signatures.

And there's a website.