The clickable LiveTimeline is contained both in the above video timeline and in its description.


00:00 LiveTimeline
Adopt Agenda
Call to the Public
Board Member Comments

AUDIO begins here
04:07 Approval of 4/5/2021 Minutes

07:11 1. Update on Spring Wildflower Hike scheduled for 5/22/2021.
15:42 [dog barking]
22:14 2. New Officer Elections. Prizgint moves to postpone this to a later date
25:22 3. Discuss 2021 Budget.
25/30 Zelenock explains the Board position
26:53 Ferris: "Im not quite sure why we have a land preservation committee if the board has allowed the creation of this committee yet does not support the ideas and direction the committee wants to go"
27:17 Zelenock: "I think I would ask that you ask different Board members their position on that. I can't speak for them.
30:20 Gordon: We definitely report to the Board. We are not a deciding Commission. We make recommendations to the Board. That's what we do.
30:54 Zelenock: $7500 is the budget. We will not get a survey approved.
34:30 Gordon: We have a very good idea of what the next steps are

37:20 4. Discuss survey and next steps.
Prizgint: Not a chance of getting four votes. Less scientific, less expensive methods.

44:44 Barry Lonick(?) and list of largest landowners who were initiallly contacted, 18 or those, 3 properties who were given offers but turned them down. Vis a vis follow up scripts and questions of landowners who abandoned offers and their attempts to sell

47:22 Huron River Watershed Council guide to millages
Instead of a survey committee, mobilize for a millage
Formalize outreach to landowners
49:39 Julia Henshaw: I edited that [HVRC] document with Chris Olson. Very solid, very carefully researched. This is something I do not want to be involved with. This is something that must be started in advance. If you're going to take this seriously, you must start. Honestly, it's really confusing. if someone asks you, "What is land conservation?" - It's not simple. If you want the millage question on the 2022 ballot, you must start now.

52:00 Prizgint: Before we start can I say my comment before we start making subcommittees? I hear all sorts of great ideas, and I love great ideas, but it's also a lot of work. I think we need to have a group discussion about where the priorities are and how those subcommittees are going to be created because ... we need to have a discussion about how we refocus and reprioritize our goals and our resources, resources also including people, because it's a lot of work and if we just say, yeah, we're gonna do that, nothing's really gonna get done if we're trying to do too many things.
52:53 Gordon: Let's start a subcommittee to bring up priorities again
53:18 Prizgint: I already feel scattered, "hands in a lot of pies."
53:35 Zelenock: outline everything we're working on, what else we want to be working on, for our next meeting, really prioritize and focus on one or two things, maybe three at the most

57:45 5. Receive Subcommittee Updates: Subcommittees, please provide a brief update on any work/progress you have accomplished since our April meeting and/or present any challenges the group may help with.

58:40 Outreach, Communication Plan, Goal/Budget

01:00:00 Prizgint: We're limited as subcommittees by open meetings requirements. But three or four people can cooperate using a special meeting.
01:00:48 Zelenock: Maybe meeting once a month is not sufficient. This once a month thing is not really getting us to accomplish our goals.

01:02:30 6. Establish process for emails sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

01:11:54 7. Motion to forward Judith Muldenhauer's LPC application to the Township Board, Term to begin immediately and run to the end of Julia Henshaw's current term
01:13:00 Judith Muldenhouer introduces herself

01:20:50 8. Outdoor meeting concepts
01:25:49 Zelenock: "Nor does it matter, though. It's a personal choice. We need to leave it there."
01:26:25 2nd Call to the Public
01:27:05 Committee Member Comments
01:27:30 Zelenock
01:29:15 Gordon asks Zelenock to find out status of P.D.R. ordinance. Zelenock says she will ask the Planner.
01:31:40 Prizgint thanks Henshaw for her service
01:32:04 Adjournment