WLPS Map compressed

Obviously that's a bust.  Time for some outreach, folks.  Ann Arbor's got to feel some shared values from you.  Not snubbing the Greenbelt would be a good first step.


I'll save the article just in case:

The Ann Arbor School District Land Rush of 2015 201?

Last night the school boards of Whitmore Lake and Ann Arbor approved annexation.  When formally approved by voters in November, Whitmore Lake's school system will formally join the Ann Arbor School District in July, 2015. 

Annexation will give Biltmore much more to choose from.  In their July Planning Commission presentation, Biltmore admitted that it would develop only inside the Ann Arbor school district bounds because those homes were easy to sell.  Now that Whitmore Lake has joined Ann Arbor, there's no need to fight over a few acres of rural township farmland.  Inside the revised school district, much closer to the crucial Territorial road interchange, our Master Plan offers literally square miles of land already Zoned for Profit.

But Biltmore won't be the only one making money.  Last night's school board votes made your home more valuable too.

Download a map of the Whitmore Lake School District here (PDF)