MDOT's MiDrive webpage shows current traffic conditions, incidents in progress, road hazards, road construction, road closures. In short, everything you need to know about Michigan roads and highways except who's paying for next year's upkeep.
In an April 15th 12-9 vote, the WATS Policy Committee has approved MDOT's US-23 improvement plan. Further approval is now in the hands of SEMCOG.
UPDATE: At the April 28th Board of Trustees meeting, Township Manager Fink reported that SEMCOG has also approved the US-23 corridor improvement plan.
UPDATE: June 30, 2015: The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, issued a Finding of No Significant Impact [FONSI] for the U.S. 23 corridor improvements project.
Read more: US-23 Anti-Congestion Project Wins Local Go-Ahead
At the March 24th Board meeting, Washtenaw County's Road Commission delivered its annual report on the state of local roads. Northfield Township was asked to choose from a list of optional road repair projects. Each project requires a Township contribution. Our Board will contribute $130,000, which barely covers the repair of two miles of dirt road.
You can read the report online here. You may download the pdf here. (the pdf is 6MB)
For background, I have linked to two references explaining and illustrating, with drawings, and photographs, most of the roadwork terminology used by the Road Commission, MDOT, and our Township Manager.
MDOT maintains a library of maps detailing its real estate and right-of-ways here. We have labeled the links to the maps of local interest, the land bordering US-23 as it passed through Northfield Township and north to I-96.
In MDOT's library, Washtenaw County has been divided into about 140 numbered maps. Livingston County has been subdivided into about 90 maps. This is the overview/index of Washtenaw County maps. This is the overview/index of Livingston County maps. Here is the document explaining the surveying and MDOT symbols.
The list of maps is below. Click Read more to get to the list of maps.
This is the most recent traffic study for the Territorial Road at Whitmore Lake Road intersection and area.
The study was prepared for the Nowatzke application and delivered to the Board of Trustees September, 2014. It is readable online here and may be downloaded, from here, as a pdf.
MDOT has accepted no responsibility for improving this area. It will not be included in the US-23 Corridor improvement program.