Here are over two hundred links to the the 11/26/2019 meeting video. Clicking on any of these will plant you in the video at the point where the agenda item or noted item began transpiring.  This serves mainly as a series of breadcrumbs and waypoints to help you relocate something you may have remembered hearing. 

Beginning with the 12/10/2019 meeting, we have also begun indexing some of the meeting packets. Why? To ease locating the trails of cupidity and deliberate misrepresentation that have resulted in the theft of your Township's only chance at a useful Lakeside park. 

Here's a portable, clickable version fo the LiveTimeline

11/26/2020  Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveTimeline


And here's the stuck-to-the-webpage version of the LiveTimeline 

Call to order



Roll Call

Presention of the Audit report

Call to the Public

Board Member Responses

Motion to adopt the consent agenda minus #4

Agenda Item 1: Update on Sewer backups

Agenda Item #2 Ordinance #1971 to amend

Agenda Item 3: Proposed application procedure

Agenda Item #4 The North Village Committee

Agenda Item 5: 75 Barker

Chockley: The next one... I'd like to make a motion to approve the contract with Assessment Administrative Services

Beliger: I move to approve the contract with Point n Pay Credit Card Services

Beliger: Can I make a motion to have the zoning compliance application fees waved for the Christmas Tree sale?

Agenda Item 9: Creation and distribution of an RFQ for legal services

Chockley: I'd like to make a motion to approve JPC19007, Whitmore Lake Climate Storage...


2nd call

Board Member Comments: Chick

Motion to Adjourn