Topping tonight's Agenda, Tetra-Tech's Sewer analysis shows that $2.9Million in Sewer system infrastructure repairs are needed before the $3Million dollar expansion tank will work.
[Editorial] Pay Up, Suckers!
Also, according to Supervisor Chockley's analysis, the previous Township Board lost $2,000 of taxpayer money by paying for a fixed gas delivery contract price instead of simply buying natural gas directly from Consumers Energy. This was in effect gambling on the gas futures market. It was another brilliant financial play the Board was led into by Manager Howard Fink. Fink is gone. Fled. He didn't pay any price for this or for his larger folly, that of panicking a credulous, acquiescent Board into selling its bond investments at huge losses, which have accrued to around $500,000 at this point when you include lost interest.
These were failures of the Township Board. Fink may have led them down the garden path but it was our Trustees who gave him free rein. Trustees Otto and Chick were front and center in protecting Fink from criticism. Dockett was pretty much the lone opposition at that point. Now they're all in bed together, betting the Township's Treasury on another Manager. None of that crew accept responsbility in any but a smarmy, insincere, 'let's move on, the past is the past' way.
Character tells. The Boardmembers' disinclination and inability to supervise the manager then is evidence that they'll do no more now.
Watch the regular meeting live on VideoNorthfield. Later we'll put together the LiveAgenda so you can watch indivicual Agenda items.
Meeting Documents:
- Tetra-Tech 2017-07-12 Flow Monitoring Results and Revised Capacity Analysis
- Tetra-Tech 2017-07-13 Update of Wastewater Cost of Service SmartRate Study
- WWTP 2017-07-20 Grit Conveyer purchase
- Treasurer's Memo Re Investment Policy Change 2017-07-19
- Clerk's Memo Re HAVA Grants for voting machines 2017-07-25
- Gaslighting of Township Videographer Jim Nelson
- 2017-07-25 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting Packet [Original, unsearchable]
- 2017-07-25 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Resolution No-17-571 Help America Vote Act