Several applications were discussed and approved. A trucking company is taking over the old Carter Lumber location on Territorial Road. Al Dente Pasta will be expanding their lakeside Pasta Manufactory on Main Street.
Commissioners discussed the July 14th interviews of potential Planning Consultants. They voted to recommend McKenna Associates to the Township Board as their first choice. Beckett & Raeder won their recommendation as second choice. The Board will be asked to vet the provided references and decide. Manager Fink will be asked to negotiate a contract.
One jewel appeared out of the 140 minutes of July 14th interviews. It arose out of a question Chairperson Chockley asked Beckett & Raeder's John Iacoangeli. How do you deal with a community divided over development and preservation? His answer was a real answer. So I clipped it and put it on Youtube. Even if you can't stand watching these boring Township videos, watch this one. It's only four minutes out of your life. It is a wise approach that this community needs.