This was my introduction to the Parks & Recreation Board. The meetup was brief, 37 minutes. Take time to check it out.
2021 Parks & Recreation Master Plan
2015 Parks & Recreation Master Plan
Did you know about the one mile walking path around the North Village Park?
LiveTimeline: 5/20/2021 Northfield Township Parks & Rec Board meeting
The clickable timestamps and labels below match the demarcations on the timeline in the video player above.
Clicking them takes you, the viewing audience, directly to the annoted point in the meeting video. This cannot
be done on the LiveStream account. That's why I do it here instead, at an enormous personal cost.
00:00 LiveTimeline
00:35 1. Call to Order
00:43 2. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
03:00 3. Approval of Agenda
4. Call to the Public
03:50 William Lauwerz
07:00 5. Minutes of April 15, 2021 Meeting
07:23 6. Correspondence
08:22 7. Planning Commission Update (Sam Iaquinto)
08:36 8. Township Board Update (Jacki Otto)
6/22 introduction to prospective park planners... DNR grant due "the next day" office staff thanks, 15th
11:02 9. School Board Update (Lee Cole) Lee Cole explains that WLPS has had more in-person classes than anyone else, thus higher expenses. WISD no help. Pool area staffer died???
10. DDA Update (Doug Wilbur) (absent)
15:22 11. Financial Report
12. Project Review & Discussion
a. Community Park
i. RFP for park planning design services – update (Otto)
ii. MDNR grant application - update (Otto)
19:38 iii. Plans for work on path and lakefront plantings (DeLisle, Koenig, Saville)
b. Dog Park
26:00 i. Replacement of gazebo – update?
ii. Any other repairs needed?
c. Community Garden
28:17 i. Is the hand pump ready to use?
29:45 ii. When is the fence going to be installed?
31:20 iii. When will the rules/garden sign be installed?
iv. Anything else needed?
13. Board Member Comments
34:10 phonein[-724] knows someone who wants to apply for one of two upcoming Board vacancies
35:28 Lee Cole thanks those who serve on the Parks & Rec Board
36:00 14. Announcement of Next Meetings
a. June 10, 2021 - Special Meeting to Consider Recommendations for park planning design services
b. June 17, 2021 - Regular Meeting
36:40 15. Adjournment