[Page Last Updated 4/20/2019]
Comic Relief:
The Whitechapel Fatberg, streamed live and yellowing, from the Museum of London
NPR: 'Concreteberg' The Weight Of A Blue Whale Plagues London's Sewers, Merrit Kennedy, 4/18/2019
Our previous collection of Northfield Township Sewer and Wastewater Treatment System Documents (1969 through 2019)
Sewer System Studies and Reports, MostlyTetra-Tech, most recent at top
(I'm still gathering and collecting)
Sewer System Legal History, oldest first
The Northfield Township Wastewater Treatment Plant was built in 1963-1964. It was expanded to handle Whitmore and Horseshoe Lakes as a result of a series of lawsuits brought by the Lakeland Homeowner's Association, which represents people living downstream and downlake from the Treatment Plant's discharge. The history is written in the documentation of the lawsuits.
1969-09-30 Green Oak and Northfield Township Sewer agreement
1972-02-25 Lakeland Northfield and Green Oak Township Judgement
1972-05-04 Lakeland Northfield and Green Oak Township Judgement
1978-09-11 Lakeland Northfield and Green Oak Township Supplemental Order
1991-03-14 Lakeland Northfield and Green Oak Township Supplemental Order
1991-03-14 Northfield and Hamburg Township Sewer service area
1991-03-14 Northfield and Hamburg Township Intergovernmental Sewer Agreement
1998-05-01 McNamee, Porter and Seeley Northfield Township Sewer System Report
2002-05-03 Lakeland Amended Consent Judgement
2014-11-06-Sewer-System-Legal-Agreements-&-Lawsuits-text - [BoT-packet-2014-11-06] [25MB download]
2014-11-06-Sewer-System-Legal-Agreements-&-Lawsuits - [BoT-packet-2014-11-06] [unprocessed scanned images: 7MB download]
2018-12-05: Township Attorney Paul Burns' Summary of WWTP Legal Agreements and Judgements - [BoT-packet-2019-01-08]
2018-12-05: Township Attorney Paul Burns' Written Opinion of WWTP Legal Obligations - [BoT-packet-2019-01-08]
Sewer System Policy History, most recent at top
2019-03-26 Aynes: BOT Late packet addendum cover letter [2019-03-26 Addendum p01-p01]
2019-03-25 Chockley - Wastewater Treatment powerpoint presented to 3-26-2019 Board meeting [no attribution, Chockley assumed]
2019-03-25 Aynes Otto: email Lyon Township Comparable Sewer Costs [2019-03-26 Addendum p43-p43]
2019-03-23 Rubel-Aynes: email Tetra Tech memo re violation section 9 MDEQ expectations to treat p2 [2019-03-26 Addendum p02-p02]
2019-03-20 Mann-Aynes: email bond questions answered [2019-03-26 Addendum p11-p11]
2019-03-20-Aynes-memo-recommending-conventional-lying-about-tank-cost [2019-03-26 Addendum p30-p31]
2019-03-19-Aynes-Rubel-email-cost-comparison-low-interest-loans [2019-03-26 Addendum p22-p23]
2019-03-18-Aynes-Otto-Burns-Willis-Rubel-gabfest [2019-03-26 Addendum p24-p28]
2019-03-18 Mann-Aynes: email re sewers financing [2019-03-26 Addendum p12-p12]
2019-03-18 Miller-Canfield: Memo Steps to Finance [2019-03-26 Addendum p13-p15]
2019-03-18 Miller-Canfield: Sample Resolution Declaring Intent to Issue Bonds [2019-03-26 Addendum p16-p19]
2019-03-11-Bendzinski-Memo-Debt-Service-Calculations-and-Table [2019-03-26 Addendum p32-p35]
2019-03-05 MDEQ MiWaters permit violations [2019-03-26 Addendum p05-p07]
2019-02-25-Aynes-Garden-City-Water-Bill [2019-03-26 Addendum p29-p29]
2019-02-24 Chick-Rubel: email exchange [2019-03-26 Addendum p09-p10]
2019-02-13 Rubel-Aynes: email Tetra Tech Memo 2018 AMP Progress [2019-03-26 Addendum p08-p08]
2018-12-05-Burns-Township-Atty-Summary-Township-Legal-Obligations-re-WWTP [2019-03-26 Addendum p36-p42]
2016-04-21 Fink Memo: Sewer Equalization Basin [2016-04-26-BOT packet p106]
2016-04-21 Finks EZ Credit Equalization Basin Spreadsheet [2016-04-26-BOT packet, p107, 1200w380h]
2016-04-21 Finks EZ Credit Equalization Basin Spreadsheet [2016-04-26-BOT packet, p107, 800w257h]
2016-03-31 Bendzinski Equalization Bond Schedule
2016-03-22 Northfield Township SAD sewer service area maps upright
2016-03-22 Northfield Township SAD sewer service area maps
2015-02-01 SEMCOG Map of Sewer Funding Eligibility
2014-08-14 Township Permit No MI0023710 with section 9 MDEQ expectations to treat 3 [2019-03-26 Addendum p03-p04]
2009-03-01 SEMCOG Map of WWTPs and Sewers
2008-04-08 Northfield Township Notice for Public Indebtedness Ordinance Division 5 Sec 2 272 [2019-03-26 Addendum p20-p21]
Wastewater Treatment Plant Monthly Reports
(I'm still gathering and collecting)
Wastewater Treatment Plant contracts, bids, hiring, maintenance costs, etc
(I'm still gathering and collecting)
Manhole Cover: Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan: