PC Chair Larry Roman is focused and efficient at running meetings. No wasted motions, no wandering in the weeds, no wasted time.
Still, 20 minutes surprised.
- A. Board of Trustees
- B. ZBA [Did not meet]
- C. Staff [None]
- D. Planning Consultant - Gronow PUD requires a rezoning
- E. Parks and Recreation
- F. Downtown Planning Group - Buzzwords Ready: Redevelopment Ready
- A. Further Discussion Code Enforcement Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment
- Roman: Motion to set for public hearing the draft zoning ordinance text amendments for duties of zoning administration and code violations and penalties
- Zarzecki: Motion passes, "Seven Approve"
11. APPROVAL OF PRECEDING MINUTES: January 20, 2021 Regular Meeting
- Dwyer Will be absent from the next PC meeting
- Gustafson [None]
- Chick
- Infante
- Zarzecki [None]
- Iaquinto [None]
- Roman RRC Certification classes
14. ANNOUNCEMENT: Next Regular Meeting – February 17, 2021
15. ADJOURNMENT at 7:20 p.m.
Click the video and its description - the text below the video window - to engage the youtube chapter feature.
It's self-explanatory and exploratory. Give it a try.
Below is a LiveTimeline. A LiveTimeline maps the meeting agenda to the meeting video. Click a link to land at the spot in the video recording corresponding to the named point in the DDA meeting agenda. I've thrown in the notes I took during the meetup.
E. MINUTES 12/16/20
F. Parks and Rec Report (Wilbur) (Dignan)
G. Supervisor’s Report (Dignan)
- Chestnut Development { 50 homes, 200 units of barrier free, single floor, assisted living apartments } Livonia Builders { 50 homes behind Teaberry and extant homes} Woodbridge {site foreclosure} 75 Barker {motion, splitting parking, rfp by feb ?!!, "Linear" building (strip mall) on eastern border} Al Dente {skirted by sewer lines due to former use as a marina, 100x136 foot building add on for pasta drying rooms and another production line. Al Dente Owner's partners want business to move to Novi area.}
- Doug Wilbur mentions Ann Arbor's Allen Drain, relocated to subterranian, allowing building above drain.
- Dignan mentions possibility of a 20 foot right of way, a crossing, above sewer. Ad hoc committee studying 75 Barker comprises Dignan, Zelenock, Mochow.
- Dignan mentions being in the process of buying the old Family Video property, historic house.
- (Hadn't an architectural firm planned to locate here? A CannaBiz rejected by previous Board?)
- Forrester asks about defunct signage {Pizza House, Darlene Curtis real estate}
- Doug Wilbur on setting aside community parking.
- Dignan responds with comments about park's ad hoc use for parking and people using the lake.
- Benefits of Parks and Rec millage and community buy-in mentioned by Cecilia Infante.
- 1. BENCH PROJECT UPDATE (Griffith, Secrist)
- 3. Discussion on DDA boundaries update (Griffith, Dignan) Dignan: "Barbells are illegal"
- Doug Wilburon ad hoc park use
- Jeni Olney"hasn't seen this much activity in a long time," worried about permits, signage, parking, discomfort with tire ruts left by enthusiastic park and lake users, implied infringement on Livonia Builders' right of plunder.
- Doug Wilbur interjects: $5000 parks and rec budget was slashed to $1200. Park property has always seen ad hoc use. Things will be fine
- Forrester
- Iaquinto
- Matt Ritz
- Secrist
- Infante
- Dignan Redevelopment Ready Communities, Parking,
- Griffith DDA proposals from the past, Demolition of 75 Barker, Driftwood Marina
- Dignan on Marina regs, can't operate a marina without a building, Loss of Township Ordinance officer
- Doug Wilbur on Soamar's futile five year quest to do something with their tumbledown marina property
- Dignan on talking to Joey at Polly Market vs previous owners (Chuck & Kate?)
Last call to public: None
K. NEXT MEETING (2/24/21)
Board OKs Local Pot Businesses
Downtown Property Value Jumps 27%
Angry Treasurer Calls for Firing Manager & Planner
Residents Pack Meeting & Speak Up!
Calling All Volunteers
Nov. 12, 2019
By David Gordon
“Smoke ‘Em if You Got ‘Em”
The Board of Trustees last night adopted a Marijuana Ordinance that allows a limited number of pot shops downtown; micro-businesses in the rural district and larger grower/processor operations in areas zoned for industry.
The ordinance passed 6/1 (Trustee Tawn Beliger opposed) after hours of discussion. Changes were made to include pot shops downtown. The ordinance is effective Dec. 17. Manager Steven Aynes is to draft an application process ASAP.
(link here to the ordinance in the packet)
Are Property Value Set to Skyrocket?
One immediate impact of the referendum was a big bump in value for at least one township-owned property.....the old township hall/fire station at 75 Barker Road.
A buyer last week offered $275,000 but after the vote Nov. 5 allowing pot shops downtown, a second buyer offered $350,000 (a 27% increase). Both buyers may be planning to open pot shops. No decision was made to sell and some suggested that the value of the North Village property be reconsidered.
Off with Their Heads!
“It’s time to fire people,” said Treasurer Lenore Zelenock at the four-hour mark. “Because come 2020, we’re going to get fired (for allowing this incompetence to continue)......”I am appalled that three years into this administration, (Manager Steven Aynes) still can’t get our agendas right.....” (link @ 3:43:00)
Zelenock’s frustration with Planner Paul Lippens resulted from a major error in the marijuana ordinance which would have prohibited pot shops downtown, among other issues.
Residents Speak Up!
Pro and anti-pot “activists” packed the meeting and many spoke at the “First Call to the Public” which lasted more than 45 minutes. It was obvious the Nov. 5 referendum vote (56% to 44% in favor of allowing local pot businesses) changed very few minds.
Mary Devlin, a long-time resident and frequent speaker at Board meetings, announced this would be her last appearance. She said she was disappointed with the referendum turnout, upset with the outcome and exhausted by her efforts. (We hope she returns soon.) (10:15)
Northfield Township Wants You!
There are multiple openings on various township boards and committees.
Land Preservation Committee – 3 openings
Downtown Development Authority – 3 openings
Planning Commission – 2 openings
Parks & Recreation Committee – 1 or more
Contact Supervisor Chockley. Office: (734) 449-2880, ext. 15 * Cell: (734) 730-0795 * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Rest of the Story
“Smoke ‘Em if You Got ‘Em”
Before the final passage, Beliger made numerous motions to block marijuana availability in town and to completely prohibit it in the rural area. Her attempts all failed on 4/3 votes. Her only support came from Supervisor Marlene Chockley and Clerk Kathy Manley. This little drama took 10 minutes.
Beliger labeled as “reckless” the four Board members who supported pot businesses, warning “your names will forever be attached to this”. She said the Board was opening “Pandora’s Box”. At one point, she asked “Do I need to get down on my knees and beg?” Her plea went unanswered.
Chockley tried to mandate that pot businesses donate to local charities and that medical and recreational businesses be required to “co-locate” in the same building. Both motions failed for lack of support.
Trustee Jacki Otto argued for hiring a part-time employee t minimum wage to handle pot applications but got significant pushback from Trustees who said such an idea was premature.
Off with Their Heads!
Zelenock’s main issue at this meeting with Manager Aynes was that he put the pot ordinance at the very end of the agenda. Several residents said they found the placement disrespectful, “a slap in the face”. Often Board meetings run so long that the last items are postponed. This meeting didn’t adjourn until 11pm.
Zelenock blamed the four Trustees for the Manager’s gaffs. (His actions) “are not logical. Not acceptable; It’s time to fire people,” she said. “So Ms. Chick, Ms. Otto, Mr. Dockett and Ms. Beliger, I want you to hold our township manager accountable....you hired him....(and) you rehired him. “
Aynes got a two-year contract renewal this spring on a 4/3 vote with only 45 seconds of discussion and no performance review. The Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer voted no.
“We pay over $90k to our planners, over $120k to our manager....and we’re still having these issues. We need to....(search) for a new planner,” said Zelenock.
After the meeting, Zelenock addressed her issues with the planner and the deleted passages in the pot ordinance. “This is just another in a string of embarrassing, unnecessary mistakes. Multiple changes are made to documents; weeks later they come back to the Board and the changes we asked for are neither highlighted nor tracked. How could he have deleted pot shops downtown without informing us?”
Trustee Janet Chick moved to re-inserted the deleted ordinance language. Her motions passed 4/3 with Chockley, Manley and Beliger opposed....their positions unchanged despite the Nov. 5 vote of the residents.
Zelenock spoke to the Board’s frustration that Aynes and Lippens had failed to draft guidelines for the pot business applications. “You’ve known about this for weeks and we’ve got nothing,” she said.
The Board directed Aynes to draft application guidelines by the Nov. 26 meeting.
Residents Pack Meeting & Speak Up!
Barb Wutka asked that the Board prohibit pot businesses in Precinct 2 since voters there opposed pot while Precincts 1 & 3 favored it. (Later in the meeting, her suggestion was dismissed as unrealistic by a majority of the Board). (12:38)
Sam Iaquinto, owner of Mac’s Marina and supporter of pot businesses, said he was disappointed in Beliger, claiming she badmouths local businesses; grandstands at Board meetings and flip-flops in her capacity as Board Rep to the Park & Recreation Committee. “Tawn Beliger is a disappointment to the voters and citizens of Northfield Township,” he said. (14:35)
Mary Czech, a business woman who owns several properties downtown, supported local pot shops saying “we need growth....please honor the will of the people you swore to represent.” (20:40)
Her sentiments were echoed by residents Jon Gura (23:40), Dana Forrester, James Trunko, David Gordon, Wayne Davidson, Craig Warburton, Adam Olney, Todd Hawkmeyer, Coyote Windsong, Jerry Griffin and Marissa ?????
James Trunko made the point that Northfield Township residents have “now voted twice” to allow marijuana and urged the Board to act quickly.
Opponents who spoke of their disappointment and concerns were Monica Miller, Sharon Koenig, Margaret Riddell and Planning Commissioner Brad Cousino.
What the planner noted during this meeting: The regulations controlling pretty much every aspect of manufactured housing communities are dictated by the state. What appear to be local ordinances are simply verbatim copies of Michigan regulations.
The meeting was over in about 28 minutes.
If you watch the meeting via the youtube window below, you'll gain the considerable advantage of being able to watch at double speed.
On the Agenda:
- A. Case #JPC200017, Recommend to Approve, Approve with Conditions or Deny, the request of Northfield Estates, 855 West Eight Mile Rd , Whitmore Lake, MI 48189 for site plan approval to install a 2,280 square foot clubhouse and 1,200 square foot office located adjacent to Emerald Circle within the center of the Northfield Estates manufactured home community. Parcel number B-02-06-200-019 and zoned MHC, Manufactured Housing Community District.
- B. Recommend to Adopt 2021 Calendar
12/02/2020 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Agenda
12/02/2020 Northfield Township Planning Commission meeting Packet
11/24/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees Zoom meeting
11/24/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting Agenda
11/24/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting packet
Obviously this is the video itself. The rightward facing white triangle in the middle is the play button.
Press the play button and the meeting video starts playing whever you stopped watching it or at the
beginning if this is your first viewing. On the bottom right of the Youtube viewing window is
another pressable region which is labeled "YouTube." Long story short - pressing the "YouTube"
button reopens the video inside a special region of YouTube, where the video timeline itself is segmented
into the zones of a LiveAGENDA. Skip ahead to the parts of the meeting you actually want to watch.
No pdf and no webpages needed.
Below are the same links into the meeting video, in a webpage format.
11/24/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting - start of video
CONSENT AGENDA: Manager Update
Agenda Item 1. Approve November 10, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes
Agenda Item 2. Consideration of Rezoning request from WLPS for 168 Jennings Rd.
Background and synopsis by Planner Lippens
Comments from the ensuing discussion, in no particular order.
- Dignan to the Board. "Instruct the attorney to return an opinion in two weeks, despite $250/hour cost and attorney's advice that the issue is complicated?
- $50,000 per year is the revenue accruing to the school system.
- Trustee Muchow re possibility of school selling the property to someone who will put in a pot shop.
- Lippens advised that all the licenses had already been dispensed.
- Local commercial vs general commercial.
- Dignan quite vocal about last four years of board lethargy.
- Aynes points out that Fink's rate is $250/hour
- Calling the question of attorney advice.
- Muchow invites Superintendent DeKeyser to speak.
- School Superintendent Tom DeKeyser speaks. This rezoning process was initiated before Marijuana's legalization. Since then, it has been mired in the Township glue trap. Good faith, says School Superintendent Dekeyser, should not mean that two years after initial consultations they're still debating whether this will remain school property. He said he had wanted to submit the proposal during the summer 2020 but had deferred due to the Township's obsession with pursuing CannaBiz licensing. He said that he now regrets not having pressed forward at the time.
- Trustee Nelson asks if the 500 ft from school property buffer could be enlarged.
- Dignan points out that the two pieces of property are within 500 ft of each other, [thus mutually protective?, my interpretation.]
- Manley apologizes to the school superintendent for the two years of log rolling.
- Vote to Call the question: 7:0 Attorney Advice motion Vote is 5/2. Dignan, Muchow no
- Calling the motion to indefinitely postpone the question of rezoning 168 Jennings Rd. Interrupted by Zelenock, who asks about meaning of "indefinitely" Vote is 4/3. Dignan, Muchow, Nelson No
Agenda Item 3. Consideration of Rezoning request from WLPS for 8845 Main St.
- Motion by Chick to indefinitely postpone: Vote is 4/3. Dignan, Muchow, Nelson No Lippens 'splains why the process took so long Dignan: "Our efficiencies are broken."
Agenda Item 4. Re-appointment of Deputy Treasurer – Emily Hofsess
Agenda Item 5. Re-appointment of Deputy Clerk – Cristina Wilson. Motion by Manley passes 7:0
Agenda Item 6. MTA Township Officer Training Materials - Requesting approval to spend not to exceed $500
- Motion by Dignan to approve spending $500 amendment passes on training materials motion itself passes 7/0
Agenda Item 7. Board Assignments/Appointments - (Nominations and Appointments)
- a. Board Rep to the Planning Commission
- b. Board Rep to the Zoning Board of Appeals
- c. Board Rep to the Parks & Recreation Board
- d. Board Rep to the Land Preservation Committee
- e. Alternative Representative to WATS
- f. Parliamentarian (Training/Documentation)
- g. Ethics Sub-committee
- h. Personnel Committee
- i. Road Improvement Committee
Agenda Item 8. Discuss Emergency Closure Policy/pay for staff during Emergency Shut-down
NEW BUSINESS - DISCUSSION ONLY (No action requested/recommended at this time)
- 1. Consider Resolution to participate in Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC)
- 2. Appointments (Expectations & Education - MSU Ext/MML/MTA) Announce Openings
- Planning Commission (2 Openings)
- Zoning Board of Appeals (1 Opening, 1 Alternate)
- Board of Review (3 Openings, 2 Alternates)
- Land Preservation Committee – Assign Terms
- 4. Streaming System Upgrades - Audio Upgrade w/ 12+ Channels & Zoom Capability - Gage willingness to explore the costs associated with such upgrades.
- 5. Municode Meetings (Cost for unlimited meetings $3,000/year) https://www.municode.com/meetings
- 6. Review Draft of Agenda Request/Process Form
- The next regularly scheduled meeting of the BOT will be on Dec. 8
- The next PC meeting will be on Dec. 2
- Twinkle the Town
- Kiwanis Christmas Tree Sale
- Dignan
- Zelenock Parks and Rec survey in next tax bill
- Otto Fireworks fundraising, Kiwanis Christmas Tree Sale, Community Center manager wants to keep sign
- Chick
- Dignan Community Center Sign is non conforming