Here's a portable copy of the Live Timeline
2/25/2020 Northfield Township BoT full meeting LiveTimeline
And here's the stuck-on-this-webpage version:
Audience milling around Informal Call to Order
Formal Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge
Roll Call
Call to the Public
- Mike Cicchella
- Jessica Mizner
- Anne Hunter
- Ken Dignan
- Sue Shink
- Margaret Riddell
- Lee Cole, 9062 Pine Cove Drive
- Jim Nelson
- Udo Huff
- Brian Trim
- Craig Warburton
Board Member Comments
Zelenock: Motion to have a Town Hall Meeting on April 7th at 7:00 PM in particular to discuss the North Village
Chockley: Calls the vote. Motion to have a Town Hall passes 6:0
Chockley: Motion to accept the consent Agenda
- Dockett: Query re Manager's Report, bullet point re Township Building Department billing, visit to Green Oak Twp bldg department
- [51m46s]
- Aynes:
- Chick: Miss Zelenock and Miss Beliger and I are on...
- Chockley: Motion to ...
- Motion passes 6:0
- Chockley: I'd like to make a motion to add a purchase offer for 75 Barker for consideration from ??? after item 5
- Chockley: Do I have a second for that? Nobody wants to add an agenda item tonight?
Chockley: All right; I will make a motion to have a special meeting
- Chockley: on March 3rd, then
- Chockley: Support by Zelenock
- Otto: the one question would be, will there be an appraisal of the building itself by March 3rd?
- Chockley: We have the restricted appraisal. Is that no good enough?
- Otto: The restrictive appraisal, the one that is as is, with the land
- Otto: So this board has to determine if that is market value if you just sell the building
- Otto: I know if we're gonna do it by the parking lot as an easement
- [56m53s]
- Chockley: I don't know if we can get a full blown appraisal in a week
- Chockley: but the restricted appraisal is I would think pretty darned good
- Chockley: I've read through it. I dunno.
- Aynes: I had contacted the appraiser...
- [57m37s]
- Aynes: the only thing you're looking at as far as I know that's different is
- Aynes: You had it evaluated based on if the building was torn down what the vacant land would be
- Aynes: if the building was fixed up to code what it would be valued at
- Aynes: and the third one was as-is
- Aynes: so when the board approved putting it out for sale
- [58m23s]
- [58m32s]
- [58m49s]
- both those appraisals are about a year and a half old too
- November of 2018
- Chockley: I can't imagine they're a whole lot different
- Chockley: Except now we have marijuana businesses
- Chockley: that are pumping up prices
- Chockley: but that's a decision by this board, whether they would want to sell to a company that's gonna put a marijuana retail establishment in there
- [59m36s]
- Dockett: first of all i think that we have a bid for $275,000
- Dockett: from somebody that wasn't going to put marijauna in there. Is that correct?
- Dockett: this is the crazaiest idea I've ever heard.
- Dockett: you wanna have a meeting to sell this to this guy for a hundred thousand
- Dockett: we're gonna have to pay, out of the hundred thousand,
- [60m03s]
- Dockett: How can you be so silly?
- Dockett: We put it back out with the realtor to get as much money as possible for the people.
- Dockett: We don't sell it to somebody who wants it for $100,000.
- Dockett: How can you have a meeting? You said you want to talk about selling it...
- Dockett: Do you think it's fair.. to sell this... this guy wants us to write a contract
- Dockett: He's telling us what he's gonna give us. We're not telling him what we want for it
- Dockett: and we're gonna sell it for $100,000 and we're gonna pick up, it says in the packet
- Dockett: that we have to pay the realtor and I don't have any idea how much that is
- Dockett: and when it was $285,000 it was like thirty grand ($30,000) that we're gonna have to pay
- Chockley: That's six percent
- Dockett: I for one board member; we should put it out back for sale
- Dockett: and advertise it and sell it to the highest bidder
- Dockett: not give it to somebody because they want it
- Chockley: we can talk about our options at the next meeting provided we can have a meeting
- Zelenock: As mr dockett has indicated we did have an offer for $275,000
- Zelenock: and I think that they indicated in their offer that they would let us use or Ease it
- Zelenock: And so I'd like to contact them to see as well
- Zelenock: If they're still interested and what their plans were as well and have that available
- Chockley: I did talk to the realtor today and one of them is still interested
- Chockley: and the other two were only interested if they could have a marijuana establishment there
- [62m07s]
- Zelenock: so if you could bring back that information for this meeting I think that would be pertinent
- Dockett: Does the rest of this board think we should...
- Dockett: Does the rest of this Board think that we should sell this building? without getting anyone interested in giving us bids? without advertising it?
- [62m26s]
- Zelenock: I'm clear at this point; that's why we're gonna have the meeting
- Zelenock: I have a request for Mr. Fink
- Zelenock: So it's been brought up that we are obligated to sell it at fair market value?
- Zelenock: You don't have to give us an answer now but it
- Twp Atty Fink: First, I won't be here. I'll be in Mexico with Mrs. Fink.
- [63m03s]
- [63m12s]
- Twp Atty Fink: get some value for it. things that you receive are not necessarily of greater financial value but are to the benefit of the Township.
- Twp Atty Fink: But the value you receive should be reasonably related to the value of the property and the benefit of the Township
- [63m45s]
Motion to hold a special meeting on march 3rd to discuss offers for 75 Barker. Passes 5:1
Chockley: motion to adopt the balance of the Agenda
Agenda Item 1
- Chockley: Ok the next item on the Agenda is the Public Hearing to consider the removal of Sam Iaquinto
- Chockley: from the Northfield Township Planning Commission due to alleged malfeasance
- Chockley: and we have an opportunity for anyone who would like to speak at this time but I would like to
- Chockley: but I would like to, since I don't know if all of you are familiar with, uh
- Chockley: with the actual notice of charges, I'd like to read that
- Chockley: Pursuant to ....
- Chockley: Specifically it is alleged [the passive voice of faked distancing]
- Chockley: So, um, I asked him if he would consider resigning and he refused to resign, so I did notice
- Chockley: This is the next step
- Chockley: I have someone who would like to speak
- Ken Dignan:
- Twp Atty Fink: Madame Chair I think it would be appropriate, since you've opened a public hearing, to have members of the public speak, and you could address it when and if the Board deliberates
- Chockley to Dignan: All right. Go ahead.
- Mary Devlin:
- Chockley: oh yeah, we have to vote to open a public hearing
- Dignan, waving his arms...
- Dignan grabs a mic off the nearby Board desk, Madame Supervisor; you did not open a public hearing. you did not have a vote to open a public hearing!
- Chockley: Thank you. Sit down.
- Dignan: Excuse me! Step back, Lady!
- Dignan: You know you're outta control!
- Chockley: I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing.
- Chockley: Do I have a second?
- Manley: I'll support
- Mary Devlin is still attempting to speak at the public microphone
- Chockley: Motion by Chockley, support by Manley
- Chockley: to open a public hearing. all in favor say aye
- Chockley, entirely alone: Aye
- Chockley: Anyone opposed
- Chockley: I did say all in favor say Aye
- Mary Devlin: Should I go sit down and come back again?
- Chockley: Hang on Miss Devlin
- Manley: So, Yes or No?"
- Chick: I would like to hear Mr. Iaquinto validate that what he wants to say
- Chick: I was originally going to ask that the motion for a public hearing be removed as an agenda item
- Chick: but I think it's important that mr Iaquinto speak, so
- Chick: I will say no.
- Otto: have his day in court, here.
- Otto: Okay; I too feel that Sam needs to have his day in Court
- Zelenock: No
- Otto: Because that's basically what this is
- Otto: But I am not gonna support the public hearing
- Otto: The answer is no.
- Manley: Ok; I'm voting yes, because I'm assuming the only way we can hear people speak is if we hold a public hearing.
- Chockley: I'm going to vote yes for the same reason.
- Zelenock: No; I'm voting no.
- Zelenock: just because as Mr. Warburtin, I might have your name
- Zelenock: I think as a Board we should have been told about this as opposed to just getting it notified
- Zelenock: Because I think that's important. [applause]
- Dockett: No.
- Chockley: Ok
- Chockley: So no public hearing. i guess we can move on.
- Iaquinto's attorney Kelly: Madame Supervisor, We've requested an opportunity to address the Board. I'm not here as a member of the public.
- Iaquinto Attorney: I'm here as an attorney for the person who's accused of committing a conflict of interest.
- Iaquinto Attorney: which you have characterized as misconduct in office.
- Iaquinto Attorney: I do believe he's got a right to present his case and answer those charges
- Iaquinto Attorney: I'm here to do that. I'm here to do that pursuant to written notice to you.
- Iaquinto Attorney: My client has a significant interest in clearing his name from charges that basically amount to a Felony in this state.
- Iaquinto Attorney: So he will be heard tonight.
- Iaquinto Attorney: We're not here as a member of the public
Chick: I'd like to make a motion to allow Mr. Iaquinto and his attorney to speak to the public
- Chick: to the charges
- Chockley: I'll second that
- Manley: Will members of the public speak too?
- Chockley: well no, I guess we're going to do this part first
- Chockley: but the public is here for the public hearing, so...
- Chockley: They will have an opportunity at the end, apparently
- Chockley: I would like to get a comment from our Attorney at this time
- Dockett - Wait a minute
- Otto: To be honest we can't get comments
- Iaquinto rises and walks to the microphone
- Iaquinto begins stating his case here at [76m31s]
- Iaquinto Attorney Jim Kelly begins stating his case at [85m19s]
- Iaquinto Attorney Jim Kelly finishes. Audience Applause erupts at [98m11s]
- Otto: I would like to make a motion
- Otto: Since we're on number one
- Otto: not to remove Sam Iaquinto from the Northfield Township Planning Commission
- Otto: due to alleged malfeasance
- Chockley: I don't think we've heard everything that needs to be heard about this
- Chockley: The allegations turned back this way I don't believe are true
- Township Attorney Fink:
- Chockley: Can we vote to keep him without having a public hearing?
- Chockley: with some reasonable, I mean, the"
- Chockley: Can I ask Mr. Iaquinto some pointed questions?
- Township Attorney Fink: You have a motion on the floor.
- Township Attorney Fink: The Board can have a discussion. If it's part of your usual process to involve members of the community, then yes
- Chockley: I think it's important to our vote
- Chockley: to actually know from Mr. Iaquinto what happened
- Chick: Is this a Trial?
- Otto - Yeah, I do have some comments
- Otto: OK. There's a couple of things that a supervisor can and cannot do
- Otto: It solely stayed with the Township Board. It never went back to the Planning Commission.
- Chockley: Mr. Iaquinto I have some questions
- Chockley: Mr Iaquinto. I have some questions. Could you please come up to the podium?
- Chockley: Mr. Iaquinto...
- Iaquinto Attorney Jim Kelly: If you don't have enough information to remove Mr. Iaquinto, your vote should be no.
- Iaquinto Attorney Jim Kelly: You should have conducted an investigation
- Chockley: I have some questions for Mr. Iaquinto
- Iaquinto Attorney Jim Kelly: He declines to answer
- Chockley: That's unfortunate
- Chockley: Ok then I will have to state what I know, then
- Chockley begins "stating" her case, here at [104m35s]
- [112m04s]
- Otto: The Board has not made that decision
- Chockley: We can vote on if there was a potential conflict of interest, but it doesn't matter at this point
- Otto: No, no, that's not, the motion that's
- Otto: The motion that's on the table is not to remove Sam Iaquinto from the Township Planning Commission due to malfeasance
- Otto: That's the motion I call to order right now
- Chockley: Ok, that's the
- Otto: If there's no other discussion
- Chockley: I'm not finished
- Dockett: She's calling the question
- Chick: Call the question
- Chockley: I'm not done
- Chockley: You interrupted me. Ok
- Dockett: Ok, I'm gonna ask
- Chockley: What I have to say...
- Dockett: for a bathroom break
- Chockley: Five minute break
- Chockley: [Meeting called back to order]
- Chockley: [Sort of]
- Chockley: All right, everyone, let's get back to business here
- Otto: We need to make a comment
- Chockley: I'd like to call this meeting back to order
- Chockley: There are consequences to decisions
- Chockley: And Mr Iaquinto made the decision to hide the fact that he had a purchase agreement on his Marina
- Chockley: with a marijuana establishment until the last possible moment
- Chockley: And that's uh, that's too bad
- Chockley: But there's also even no expression of remorse
- Chockley: There's just nothing.
- Chockley: This Board doesn't seem to care
- Chockley: doesn't seem to want to take a stand on what seems to be honesty and integrity
- Chockley: So, what about transparency? This Board talks about it a lot.
- Chick:
- Chockley: And I'm not seeing it.
- Chockley: So, we can move on
- Otto: Madame Chair
- Otto: I don't think you want to open that Pandora's Box about transparency here
- [The audience erupts in Applause]
- Chockley: I have made every attempt to put the information in for this Board so this Board can make decisions
- Chockley: I didn't go around behind the scenes and try to make this secret
- Dockett: let us make our decisions . let's call the question
- Chockley: So now we have. Now we have a public hearing
- Dockett: Call the question
- Chockley: so we will call the question
- Chockley: yeah, what is the motion
- Otto The motion was made to not remove Sam Iaquinto from the Northfield Township Planning Commission due to alleged malfeasance
- Township Attorney Fink: [addresses the issue of proper parliamentary procedure]
- Fink: The motion has been made, Mr Dockett, and seconded, so you have a motion before you
- Fink: and I think the question's been called so I think you should vote on the motion
- Zelenock:
- Zelenock: My question for you, Mr Fink, is do you have any concerns with the language of the motion?
- Fink: I think the motion clearly expresses the intent of Trustee Otto and the board
- Fink: And if the Board adopts it it clearly expresses the intent of the Board
- Zelenock: Thank you
- Zelenock: I guess we can have a roll call vote then
- Zelenock: What was the motion again
- Otto: Yes
- Dockett: Yes
- Chockley: No
- Chick: Yes
- Manley: No... Yes
- ?: Was that a Yes?
- Zelenock: So Yes, I want to vote to not remove him
- Zelenock: Yes
- Manley: I'll save my questions to the end
- Chockley: that passed Five to One
- [Applause]
Agenda Item 2
- Chockley: I would like to make a motion to approve the January 11th, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting minutes
- Vote on the motion to approve minutes
- Chockley: Motion passes 6:0
Agenda Item 3
- Chockley: Approve the payment of the open bills with the expected check run date of 2/26/2020
- Chockley: for a total of One hundred twenty-eight thousand, eight hundred fifty-one dollars and 39 cents, from all funds in the municipal investment funds account.
- Chockley: Do I have a second?
- Otto: I'll support.
- Chockley: Motion by Chockley, support by Otto
- Chockley: Any discussion
- Dockett: on TetraTech $71, 848. bill
- Dockett: No Bid contracts, companies we've used for 75 years
- Roll Call Vote on the motion to pay the open bills
Agenda Item 4: Consider Resolution 20-620, Authorization to Publish Notice of intent...
- Bond Counsel and underwriter arrive at Podium
- Steven Hadock, Bendzinski & Company, Municipal Finance Advisors
- Miller Canfield attorney:
- Miller Canfield attorney: Once you issue a bond, you're not going to want to be in a position to default
- Miller Canfield attorney: We've had many clients who have issued revenue bonds who've gotten in trouble
- Miller Canfield attorney: and who have had to, you know, boost up the revenues with general fund transfers and whatnot in the interim, so
- Dockett: again on the prices of services paid for sole source contracts
- Dockett: on sole source, no bid contracts
- Chockley: I can't imagine this Township defaulting
- Chick: I can't even imagine we default. We've been paying on a bond for twenty years and never missed a payment.
- [141m54s]
- Chockley: with the untreated wastewater coming out under the doors in the west? wtf? heavy rains we've had: I hate to see that happening again.
- [142m28s]
- Dockett: Everybody else had the same problem we did. It was the worst rain in sixty-five years;.
- Dockett: First time it ever happened in sixty-five years that we've run the plant, so
- Dockett:
- Dockett: asks where the cost breakdown on 25% contingency fee is. Apparently the breakdown was never delivered. Zelenock concurs.
- Zelenock: I agree.
- Dockett: We have nothing
- Zelenock: We don't get what we ask.
- Zelenock: And you guys are ready to vote on it
- Aynes: wakes up
- Aynes: Captain Obvious: With respect to the 25%, What they're trying to do is make sure there's so much room there
- Miller Canfield atty: explains that the extended capture of reserves is unique to special assessment districts
- [146m11s]
- Haydoc, the Bendzinski atty:
- Aynes: At what point in time is there a committment to pay your firms?
- [147m24s]
- Miller Canfield atty: fixed fee, paid at closing
- [147m42s]
- Chockley: Is everyone ready to vote at this point?
- Roll call vote
- Chockley: That passes 4:2
- Otto: I do want to remind the Board that since we did make this motion that we do have an ordinance that says we do have to send out a post card
- [148m14s]
- [148m17s]
- [148m25s]
- Miller Canfield Atty: That is a separate process - explains steps, bidding, pricing, before adopting a resolution authorizing the bonds
- Miller Canfield Atty: That's when your public indebtedness notice goes out. We'll assist you with that. We did that with the last bond issue.
- [148m55s]
Agenda Item 5: Resolution 20-619
Agenda item 6
Agenda Item 7
Agenda Item 8: Goals and Priorities
2nd call to the Public
- Bob Van Vemelen 2775 East North Territorial Road
- Faith Wheeler
- Craig Warburton
- Udo Huff
- Adam Olney
- Marissa Prizgint
Boardmember Response
Motion to Adjourn
The Meeting's over
This meeting was well covered by MLive Reporter McKenna Ross, MLive Photographer Jenna Kieser, and WHMI Reporter Mike Kruzman.
What I contribute is this: You can watch the one hour of Iaquinto's "Trial" with our LiveTimeline.
Trial is in quotes because the Public Hearing was never convened. So it wasn't a hearing. It was a feces-flingoff staged by an earnest somnambulist who couldn't count to four.
MLive: In tense meeting, township board votes against removing official over conflict of interest in marijuana decisions, by McKenna Ross, 2/26/2020
MLive: 32 photographs by Jenna Kieser, 2/26/2020, Gallery in the Ross report.
WHMI: Effort Fails To Oust Northfield Planning Commissioner, by Mike Kruzman, 2/26/2020
MLive: Northfield Twp. to consider removing official for alleged conflict of interest, McKenna Ross, 2/25/2020
Meeting Docs:
2/25/2020 700pm Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting Agenda
2/25/2020 700pm Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting packet
Here's a portable copy of the Live Timeline
2/11/2020 Northfield Township Board of Trustees meeting LiveTimeline
And here's the stuck-on-this-webpage version:
Meeting Called to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
First Call to the Public
- Dale Brewer's Presentation to Chief Wagner
- Sam Iaquinto
- Anne Hunter
- Jessica Mizzner
- Mike Cicchella
- Dale Brewer
- Burke O'Berry
- Jack Secrist reads a letter from DDA member Jenni Olney. Secrist concurs
- Marissa Prizgint, 32 Shumm Drive
- Brian Trim, 254 Lakeview
- Scott Chisholm, 8006 Lakeshore
- Faith Wheeler
- Tim Offerly, 8105 Lakeshore Rd
Board Member Response
- Beliger
- Dockett
- Otto
- Manley
- Zelenock
- Chick: on Faith Based Due Diligence
- Chick: waves ignored studies and plans
- Chick: waving master plan
- Chick: waving around fistfuls of ignored plans
- Chockley:
- Zelenock: Taxes due February 14th
Chockley: Motion to adopt the consent agenda
- Dockett: asks for an explanation of an accident, a Garbage Truck that slid into a ditch
- Zelenock: question about a sewer hookup, Aynes, Fink, ?
- Chockley: weighs in with personal legal opinion on statutes of limitations
- Dockett: asks about Cable
- WWTP: Willis on new technologies for wastewater treatment
- Otto:
- 1;05;29;09
- Chockley: dismissive of Zelenock's serious questions. Chockley eyerolling.
- Zelenock: asks question of Lippens
- Lippens: answers Zelenock
Chockley: Motion to approve the payment of open bills
- Dockett: Beliger: object to paying SEMCOG Dues, $1,223
- Dockett: Planning and Zoning last month, $20,000
- Beliger: I move to remove SEMCOG, for a total of $1,223, from the open bills
- Dockett: Support
- Roll call vote
- Motion fails, 5-2
- Dockett: The Tetratech bill was $116,634
- 1;10;46;09
- Roll call vote on open bills
- Motion passes, 5:2
Chockley: Motion to adopt the contract with the People's Express
- Beliger: Discussion
- Chockley: squelches Beliger, Calls the vote
- Motion passes 4:2, Dockett & Beliger Voting No, Zelenock abstaining
Chockley: Motion to purchase one full set of jaws of life
Chockley: Motion to authorize the Townshop Manager to sign a letter of agreement with Fink
- Otto:
- Otto: explains the Peyton Place Polity and Policy, that the Attorney take direction only from the Board as a whole, a notion thoroughly slapped down and picked apart by Fink during the rest of this meeting
- Chockley: offers Fink the Floor
- 1;28;20;23
- Dockett: I don't think she's clear
- Chockley: again asks Fink to respond. Manager jumps in to respond first
- Fink:
- Fink: there is one thing you said that is a little concerning...
- Otto: That's not how out policy is written, though
- Chockley: haven't seen that policy...
- Chick:
- Beliger:
- Dockett: We know there's gonna be abuse
- Chockley: Zelenock - not even a Miss Zelenock this time
- Zelenock: on statutory duties
- Zelenock: I'd like to see that policy
- Zelenock: Mr Fink, Do you still want to be our lawyer?
- Fink: I think we had this conversation
- Fink: The policy you have described is in my opinion unworkable
- Manley:
- Chick: Peak Chick as Chockley begins - Policy, Policy, Who's Got the Policy?
- Otto: Peak Otto
- Otto: You can ask Jennifer for it.
- Motion passes 4-3, Dockett, Otto, and Chick vote No
Chockley: Now we're at the Storage Tank
- Chockley: I would like to make a motion
- Chockley: Motion ... General Obligation Bonds in the amount of $6.24 Million
- Chockley: General Obligation bonds in the amount of Six million, two hundred forty thousand, two hundred twenty-five dollars
- Chockley: I'm choosing general obligation bonds
- Discussion
- Beliger:
- Manager Aynes:
- Zelenock - It would be nice to have a timeline
- Brian Rubel:
- Dockett: The tank started at 2.8 million. Now it's up to 7 million.
- Dockett: on the approximate rate impact is $25 for every REU... per quarter
- 1;56;43;03
- 1;56;49;14
- Dockett: Why are we spending 7 Million dollars to purify more rainwater?
- 1;58;14;07
- Chockley: There's no stormwater going into there . There's rainwater infiltrating the pipe
- Dockett: Well what do you call rainwater?
- Chockley: But we can't fix that. Why can't we fix that? asks Dockett. Chockley - Millions and millions and millions of dollars.
- Dockett: Well it's gonna cost us millions and millions for this tank
- Rubel shucks. Rubel jives.
- Rubel: We've measured flows in the township a number of times
- Dockett: We've never had another engineer look at it in 65 years
- Beliger: I'm very curious about the upfront bond costs
- Otto: Our Bond Attorney should probably answer that
- Aynes: When we were here last spring...
- Chick: [unknowingly confirms that the infiltration story is bullshit. small leaks can not account for millions of gallons of excess flow]
- Chick: reading from report: Many of the system lines were photographed and no major issues were found.
- Chick: reading report: it was deemed that there is no significant benefit to repairing small leaks that have been found
- 2;02;12;00
- Chockley: I guess Mr. Willis was just gonna attach something...
- Willis:
- Dockett: Is this a new house? Willis: Yes Dockett: That's why it was never used.
- Chick: The township is only responsible for their lines
- Chick: where the problems are coming from, inappropriate or illegal sump pump setups
- Willis: on pipe inspections, paying for pipe inspections, repairing pipes
- Chick: average cost of repairing house drains is $150/foot
- Zelenock: I've many questions. So, when you say 25%,
- Zelenock: and you give us legal fees, engineering fees, financial fees, I want the breakdown
- Rubel:
- Zelenock: We have a 25% multiplier to ensure coverage of legal fees, engineering fees, and financial fees
- Zelenock: I would like to know what percentage goes to each of those categories?
- Zelenock: Is it just 25% We have no idea?
- Chockley: How about we break it out for the February 25th meeting, when we're actually going to deal with the resolution.
- Zelenock: but again
- Zelenock: Madame Chair, you had said, why does it take so long to get things done here? We're talking significant money and we don't have detail.
- Zelenock: So I'm not sure why it's here without the detail.
- Aynes: If I could address that...
- Zelenock: So if we go between the revenue bonds vs the general obligation bonds, what's the difference to charge to our customers?
- - crickets -
- Chockley: guesses, tentatively: It would be on the higher end of the $20-$25, (bucks), right?
- Zelenock: Again, I don't like to guess.
- Zelenock: We're talking a lot of money. This is detail that I would request.
- Zelenock: You've given me two options. You say Twenty to Twenty-five dollars, but you don't tell me what it is about
- Zelenock: And I think that's important
- Zelenock: So you're not really giving me two options; you're giving me one option.
- Zelenock: It's general bonds. It's gonna be around twenty-five dollars.
- Zelenock: I'm asking for the consumer. What is going to be?
- Zelenock: What is going to be their sewer rates if we go with the Revenue Bond vs if we go with the General Bond.
- Dockett: It's based on a three year old study
- Chockley: [attempting to bully Zelenock:] Ok, I think it's time to vote on this
- Zelenock: Madame Chair, I have the Floor, and
- Zelenock: until I release the Floor, you can't call the question
- Chockley: You're right
- Zelenock:
- 2;09;45;10
- Zelenock: I would like to let people know I called EGLE today
- Willis: chimes in about the new EGLE - the new name for the old MDEQ
- Zelenock:
- Zelenock: Madame Chair, your motion was to go out and do general bonds, correct?
- Chockley: squeaks out a response
- Zelenock: And my question is how much more?
- Chockley: reads the motion, $6.24M
- Zelenock: So, I will let people know, after talking to EGLE, and hearing the new news,
- Zelenock: I am for doing the basin
- Zelenock: However, I am not for putting the 25% in there
- Chockley: So, would you like to make a list of the things that you would need to know before February 25th?
- Chockley: So that we can get you the answers
- Beliger: How does that return to the people that are paying?
- Aynes: the figure that they're talking about is what goes in the notice of referendum
- Dockett: asks the difference between the people on the sewer being on the hook vs the people in the Township being on the hook if something happens
- 2;18;53;04
- Dockett: I think it's fair that only the people on the sewers be on this and I don't know which bond that is
- Chockley: admits - the Revenue Bond
- Dockett: And that's just the people on the sewer
- Chockley: No I've chosen the General Obligation Bonds
- Dockett: I don't know if we should put everybody in jeopardy on this
- Beliger: They would all have to not pay their bill
- 2;19;33;15
- Chockley: It's a very consistent payment that comes in every quarter
- Chick: splains
- Chockley: Calls the Question
- Chockley: that passes 5:2
- Chick: we've never missed a payment
- Manley: asks Aynes for a copy of the rate study
North Village
- Chockley: I guess...
- Beliger: Do we have a motion to accept? Chockley, suddenly perky again, No we don't. Would you like to make one?
- Beliger: Let's see if I can craft one here [ ignorance, arrogance, unpreparedness, and hubris in full flower ]
- Beliger: I move that the Township accept...
- 2;22;16;15
- Beliger: the offer by Livonia Builders to purchase the portion as here indicated of the North Village site
- for the placement of single family homes, approximately ninety thereof
- Beliger: for a price of $765,000.00
- Beliger: with the guarantee of
- Beliger: Obviously we'll have to do that [first class contract drawing, Dunning Kruger every step of the way...]
- Otto: farts in something about the seven changes
- Chick: supports
- Beliger: I think I'm done. It may need some fine tuning...
- Twp Attorney Fink: slaps them down hard You'll need a Purchase agreement
- Twp Attorney Fink: This transaction could take a year
- mic handed to planner
- Zelenock:
- Zelenock: One of my concerns with the motion that was just made, how much is that legally binding?
- Planner Lippens:
- Zelenock:
- Chockley:
- Chick:
- Chick: 90 homes [on tenth acre lots] are copacetic with the rural character of the township
- Dockett: I don't think we ever had an appraisal on the property
- Chick: tries to splain purchase price as $16k/ acre vs sale price of almost $50k/acre
- Dockett: $765K is just about what we have in it
- Chockley: Calling the question
- Chockley: We'll look forward to what you negotiate, there.. [uh, yup..].
Agenda Item - Discuss the sale of 75 Barker
- Chick: glaring.
- Chick: Still glaring.
- Township Attorney:
- Chick:
- Zelenock:
- Dockett:
- Zelenock: Isn't that something we need to define?
- Dockett: we don't ask them what they want to pay us. we set the price.
- Zelenock: Can't we give this to the DDA and have them come up with a suggestion?
- Dockett: We don't need another committee
- Chick: I don't like the DDA coming up with the numbers [I don't need no stinkin' studies]
- Zelenock: We don't know what we're voting on.
- Planner Lippens:
- Aynes:
- 2;52;28;00
- Township Attorney: wades into the fray
- Dockett:
- Beliger: can we call the question?
- Chockley: that passes 6:1, Dockett No
Chockley: Employee Handbook
- Chockley: Motion to replace the harassment policy in the employee handbook, support by Manley
- 2;55;33;05
- Zelenock: so why are these changes being recommended?
- Beliger: It's a lot of gobblygook
- Zelenock: So do we know why?
- Chockley: I don't know...
- Zelenock: Did our labor attorney take it upon herself to make them? How did they come about?
- Aynes:
- Aynes:
- Zelenock:
- Roll Call Vote
- Chockley: that passes 7-0
Chockley: Motion to approve the january 28 special meeting minutes
- Dockett:
- Otto: Mr dockett that would be a good example of why you ought to be able to call me and ask what are we going to talk about in this closed session
- Motion passes 7-0
Chockley: motion to approve minutes of the regular board meeting of january 28th
motion to accept the trustee liaison reports
- Dockett: pulls two reports - the Clerk's report and ...
- Manley: responds to Dockett's complaing about an upcoming millage vote
- Dockett: wades into the Parks and Rec report
- Dockett: Concern about the retention pond, stormwater, the walking path
- Dockett: asks about north village ingress and egress
- Zelenock: we are moving to a new credit card processing company
- Zelenock: on fund balance
- Zelenock: requests that marijuana business application fees be pulled out as a separate line item
- Motion to accept trustee liaison reports passes 7-0
Second Call to the public
- Dale Brewer
- Mike Cicchella lectures the board on their fiduciary duty to base their financial decisions on robust appraisals
- Jim Nelson: Highlights the Township Manager's admission that the lakeside land had no comparables, no equivalent found anywhere in the area
- Michael Repa
- Anne Hunter
- Jessica Mizner
- Faith Wheeler
- Marissa Prizgint
Board Member Responses
Move to Adjourn
This is a rudely formatted, partial transcription of the Town Hall. Two or three editorial comments excepted, the text below is verbatim, said by someone. Click the questions; click the lines of discussion. Clicking anything will take you to the point in the Town Hall video where that sentence was uttered.
A portable copy: 1/14/2020 Town Hall LiveTimeline
Informal Start
What can be done about the amount of dog feces in downtown Whitmore Lake?
Next Question: how smoothly is the application process for marijuana businesses going?
Simple yes or no: Are you ok with wastewater overflowing into our waterways?
[... yeah, I know. What storm sewers? There are none.]
?Audience: So, ironically, I was wanting to ask this question before I knew about the sewer overflowing today, simply because this has been a problem that the Township has been looking at for a very long time. So my follow up question is, are you willing now that there has been a catastrophe, are you willing to make forward momentum with getting a retention basin built?
What would the township like to see in terms of a marijuana retail store?
Why doesn't the Township put Park question on the ballot so all are aware of opportunity, if you're putting out a survey for the park next to the post office?
Why are you giving away the park next to the post office for undermarket value?
If you're putting out a survey about benches, it's all over town - what kind of benches are we going to put on the sidewalk to nowhere, then why can't you put out a survey for the park itself?
- [Editor: Otto weighs in with false narrative about county disinterest in funding a park. The County was asked only about funding the walking path, reduced at this point to little more than a sidewalk around 90 houses. Lying by omission is a cheap and standard political hack. It makes Liars feel clever. If you accept lies, you get Liars.]
- Margaret Riddell: That park was dedicated as a park right after it was purchased.
- [blank]
- Riddell: and it was said in some of the Board's releases that more than half would be park, so
- Riddell: the only parts that a problem is that everyone else on on the board is wanting to sell it off, not have a park...
- Riddell: ... have a five acre park for 8000 people. That's where it's at. You're talking about seeing what you can do - but only what you can do for five acres. You're not asking the people what they want.
- Wayne Dockett offers to fund a ballot initiative
- Chick: It is so early in the planning of this whole piece of property that it was only recently that we received a legal description of the area that decided we wanted to see as a park
- Chick: we couldn't even apply for anything until we have that information
- Chick: we have to have a plan for the park as well if we're gonna apply for a grant
- Chick: that hasn't happened. and to answer the question about the cost of the property
- Chick: we received an offer but we have not taken that offer.
- Chick: there is no firm price yet.
- Chick: none of this is firm. it's all initial negotiations and discussions. there's no final decision on anything yet.
- Zelenock:
- Zelenock: We did a couple surveys that was before this administration. it went in the tax bills before I became treasurer
- Zelenock: and 390 people responded. So we send aout about 5,300 tax bills, and 64% said they wanted a park only.
- Zelenock: then the same survey was conducted at the trunk or treat, again before this board came into office
- Zelenock: and there was like 93 responses and 61% said they wanted a park only
- Zelenock: then we had some visioning sessions, where about 50 people attended
- Zelenock: and the "Synthesis Plan" came about
- Zelenock: My other concern is when the subcommittee scored it, and that was just recently, it came out to be a D+, as far as meeting that plan
- [blank]
- [blank]
- [editorial: Check out the faces, Chick and Otto's filled with anger and hate, Chockley's shame, a bent dynamic.]
- Beliger: I'm very pleased with the one developer. I think he's sensitive to the, um, i wanna say to the feeling of the community
- Beliger: to making sure the park can be the best it can be, and even the units he wishes to make to be in accordance with the design and the community
- Beliger: to be. Personable; I wanna say personable, the gentleman seems to be
- [blank]
- Beliger: There has been no agreement...
- Chockley: I just wanna mention that putting the park on the ballot would be an advisory vote and those are not legal
- Dignan: that's where my question came from. If you're
- Dignan: if you're gonna put something on the ballot like that, especially since the township owns it at this point
- Dignan: would you be willing to put it on there with a funding mechanism
- Dignan: meaning would you be willing to put it on the ballot with a design or phased designs, with a levy
- Dignan: to not only fund, maybe partially fund the construction of part of it, but also the ongoing maintenance, operations, insurance, and so on and so forth
- Dignan: as you put assets on that property you're going to have to maintain those assets on a very regular basis
- Dignan: As you develop that park it has to be ADA compatable. It has to be by law.
- [blank]
- [blank]
- Dignan: or whether they want it to be just a general open space as it's been used for decades, even when it was owned by the flying dutchman
- Dignan: for event parking, things of that sort
- Dignan: So if you're gonna put it on the ballot that would be I believe that would be the way to present it
- [blank]
- Beliger: there's something about millages that I'm troubled with
- Otto
- Otto: We have property behind the Township Building.
- Otto: We don't have all of it. We have some of it. We get that property usually because people do not pay their taxes.
- Otto: and it ends up to be at the Township's door to either pay the taxes of purchase the property
- Otto: So there is probably about 33 acres back there
- Otto: Of it there's probably about how many lots? how many do we own back there, about twenty?
- Otto: Cause we've acquired quite a bit.
- Otto: Granted,
- Otto: Granted,it is wetlands back there.
- Otto: Granted,it is wetlands back there. There is no lake back there.
- Otto: But it is property that connects the 7 Mile Road. It would connect the 7 Mile Road.
- Otto: So we learned before that if we ever had a road that went from the development thru 7 Mile right over here it would cost of millions and millions of dollars to do
- [blank]
- Chick: I just wanna speak to the surveys. um the first two surveys that were taken. i mean, if I had
- Chick: If I had responded and I might have responded at that time, do you want to keep this all park, I would have absolutely said yes
- Chick: It's a beautiful piece of land
- Chick: No one was explained at that time when either of those surveys were taken what the cost to the Township was to maintain that park. ( guess what Janet, they still have not)
- Chick: annually, they weren't told that
- Chick: they were not told the benefit to the Township of actually selling part of it and keeping part of it park
- Chick: they weren't told that
- Chick: They weren't told the revenue that we'll get that will pay for the park, the property taxes that will come in to help maintenance
- Chick: the sewer hookups to help the sewer department
- Chick: and then the annual revenue after that
- Chick: that we will, that the township will recognize so that we can actually provide some more services and amenities
- Chick: and maybe do more for the roads or whatever
- Chick: it is for the downtown area
- Chick: There's a lot that could be done. People weren't told that.
- Chick: So if you don't have, excuse me, if you don't inform the people, the respondents, these are your choices
- Chick: which one do you want? then they're gonna respond with what they like at that moment
- Chick: that's all I have to say about that
- Chick: i appreciate the fact that people answered the survey; i would have answered it the same way
- Chick: but I think that in order to have really good results
- Chick: that mean something you can actually make a decision from
- Chick: you need to educate the public first and let them analyze the information and see which one makes better sense for the township
- [blank]
- Riddell: Nobody ever asked that question, did they?
- Riddell: you just all assumed, the question, what's it gonna cost and are you willing to pay it
- Riddell: nobody's ever found out. you don't know what it's gonna cost. you don't know if you can get grants.
- Riddell: you don't know how much Kiwanis is willing to put out to help it
- Riddell: you don't know a lot of things but you're going ahead, like ok fine. it'costs too much money
- Riddell: the townpeople won't wanna vote for a millage
- Riddell: believe me; I won't use the park but I will pay a millage to have it, because I think it's worth it to the people
- Riddell: You're getting ready to scrap a beautiful piece of property
- Riddell: and put houses on it
- Riddell: And Janet I understand when you're talking about the surveys but it seems to me
- Riddell: it was much more recent than that than you spending a dollar
- Riddell: you know the little one where everybody was spending a dollar - how would you spend it
- Riddell: And Gee, it seemed to me that parks and open land was right up there at the top
- Riddell: and way down at the bottom was residential development
- Riddell: I just don't understand
- Riddell: the only reason I can figure out you guys don't want to ask the people
- Riddell: if they're willing to do this
- Riddell: is because you're afraid of what the answer is gonna be
- [blank]
- Otto - so [put it on the ballot, suckers. it will be too late]
- Otto - If you look at the Parks and Rec plan, it did identify that if the North Village was to be a full park,
- Otto - They identified it as costing 3.5 Million dollars.
- [A Bald faced Lie from Otto - That figure includes the original multi million dollar listing price of the Van Curler property.]
- Otto - so when you go after grants, it's not that they just hand you this money; you have to have matching funds.
- ?Audience: Who did this study that said it would cost $3.5 million?
- [blank]
- I believe that this building is going to be paid off in two more years
- Dockett: the Public Safety Building will be paid off in 2022
- So, if some concerned citizens
- What do we need a Board for?
- Zelenock: I do have one thing. So it's in the Parks and Rec, but as a Board can we address it or either give it to Parks and Rec to hire a firm
- Zelenock: to see what it's going to cost?
- Zelenock: to see what it's gonna cost to put in a beach, if even we can put in a beach
- Zelenock: see what it's gonna cost to put in a dock
- Zelenock: see what it's gonna cost to put in a pavilion
- Zelenock: so at least we have the cost
- Chockley - we need that in order to apply for grants... I...
- Zelenock: Can we add that to our next Board Agenda?
- Zelenock: Can I get an answer?
- [blank]
- Chick - To Mr Dockett's comment about the $250,000
- Zelenoc - we'll get about $83,000
- [blank]
Manley - If I can just have a quick follow up on that. The park is in just the beginning stages. Nothing's confirmed.
- Please keep sending us your ideas. We're open. And I think I agree with Lenore. We need to have some kind of study., so we know how much this would cost us.
- [blank]
Ciccella: When I left as Supervisor
When zoning is approved for marijuana businesses, will you continue to jam up the process?
Manley - Mr Gordon gets the last question
Gordon - I was hoping that this type of question and answer period would not become a one off and would actually become a tradition of the Board
- [blank]
- Gordon: I was hoping that instead of having the Board simply reiterate their positions on various issues
- Gordon: I was hoping this would lead to some accountability
- Gordon: and my biggest question which obviously there's no time to answer at this point since the Board meeting starts in sixty seconds, is
Gordon: How can you pretend to be public servants when you don't listen to the public?
- Gordon: Marlene, you said that a scientific survey's the only one that really counts
- Gordon: We've only ever had one of those in the history of this Township in 1996
- Gordon: but it identified preservation as the number one priority of the residents
- Gordon: Every single non-scientific survey since then has supported that
- Gordon: yet we spend all our time and money on growth and development
- Gordon: and absolutely nothing on preservation
- Gordon: and look at the budget for 2019
- Gordon: The manager's office who's here to help push development
- Gordon: is a $171,000 a year
- Gordon: Planning and Zoning budget is $151,000 a year
- Gordon: The Community Center gets $128,000 a year
- Gordon: People's Express gets $10,000
- Gordon: Parks & Rec gets $5,000
- Gordon: and the Land Preservation Committee gets nothing
- Gordon: So it's outrageous to me that you sit here saying you're in favor of doing what the public wants
- Gordon: but you haven't done what Mr. Dignan recommended
- Gordon: If the public says they want a park only, then you do a survey
- Gordon: and say what Miss Chick brought up, Did you know it's gonna cost this much?
- Gordon: But you don't know what it's gonna cost because you haven't even run the numbers yet.
- Gordon: You don't even know if you can put a beach there.
- Gordon: You don't know what the maintenence is gonna be, or the insurance, or the liability.
- Gordon: But you're ready to sell off 80% of the park without having done that.
- Gordon: And you can't ask the voters whether they're gonna help pay for it with a millage if you've already sold off the property.
- Zelenock
- [blank]